Hey guys I'm getting a DK1 in a few hours(hopefully) and was
wondering...1. Do I EXTEND the display, DUPLICATE the display, or
disconnect the monitor and only have the Rift hooked up to my gpu?2.
What resolution should I be setting it to? 1920x1080p ...
"MikeArms24" wrote:Try removing any extra joysticks you aren't using,
including v-joy virtual joystick if you happen to have that installed.
For the most part the uncontrolled spinning issue has been fixed, but it
still happens with some joysticks.Ok...
So I was having the same problem and the game kept crashing after I
clicked on "Agree" so I deleted the registry and now its working. Thank
you!Howerver now I'm having another problem.. as soon as I join or
create a server, I just keep spinning non s...
"cybereality" wrote:@zer0kewl: Please try to be respectful in the
future. If you don't like the thread, don't post. Thanks.Please ask that
threads like this not be created, or at least put an accurate title.
Otherwise let free speech go on both sides...
..why is the forum loaded with these idiotic threads? Stop with the
"catchy" (bullshit lies)thread titles, and if you post something like
this, explain or link more info if it's true.