Otherwise your Rift got Stuck on your roof... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Got my rift today.... Instalation was surprisingly easy..Pluged all
in... Booting the PC up... Install the Dk2 Runtime... and.... it
worked.... out of the box without an update? So are the new batches
already "up to date" ?Even all "direct to rift"...
A Friend of mine that has his Rift a few days now told me today, that he
had a massive bluried vision after unsing the Rift more than 2 Hours in
a row. Seems that his eyes took about 20 Minutes to "refocus" in the
"Real World". He said he wasnt able ...
So i Made this thread to discuss the Modding of the rift to get rid of
the Screendoor effekt. Way back a few guys modded their DK1 with Foil to
get rid of it...Im talking about the Mod with the laminating pouches
about 6 Month ago.Anyone tried it on ...
Sooo sad.... I still cant get it to work on the DK2.Tried everything..
Using adapter 2 method... tried all modes of the rift. Pause the
oculus-service.I only get a picture half on the first screen (Monitor)
and half on the rift... and the motion trac...
A kick in the face is free too.And why is there need for a stupit
comment like that ? It was a serious answer. And if you havent tried
yet, just dont give such a comment. Just my 2 cents.Jokes asideOkay...
it was sent from Tamworth, United Kingdom. Maybe if yours was sent from
this location you can have the same problem. If you see the message Held
in warehouse, then you should contact UPS because you might have the
same bad surprise from themNope, oth...