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Otherwise your Rift got Stuck on your roof... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Got my rift today.... Instalation was surprisingly easy..Pluged all in... Booting the PC up... Install the Dk2 Runtime... and.... it worked.... out of the box without an update?  So are the new batches already "up to date" ?Even all "direct to rift"...
YES!Now we need a "special" Price for DK2 Buyers..15 Bucks and im in! :mrgreen:
A Friend of mine that has his Rift a few days now told me today, that he had a massive bluried vision after unsing the Rift more than 2 Hours in a row. Seems that his eyes took about 20 Minutes to "refocus" in the "Real World". He said he wasnt able ...
So i Made this thread to discuss the Modding of the rift to get rid of the Screendoor effekt. Way back a few guys modded their DK1 with Foil to get rid of it...Im talking about the Mod with the laminating pouches about 6 Month ago.Anyone tried it on ...