Using the OVRAvatar to get controllers in the scene, and it's showing
the old Touch controllers with the Rift S instead of the new model. It's
not a huge deal, but my app is being demoed at a trade show on the 8th
and it'd be great to have the virtua...
I'm trying to use the TeleportTargetHandlerNavMesh component from the
Locomotion example in order to allow teleporting only to valid points on
the NavMesh. I have a NavMesh generated, but the targeting still only
seems to want to work against collide...
I'm one of the scores of people excited for the release of the Quest,
and I wanted to start working on a game idea as early as possible. I've
seen that Oculus is recommending developing for Quest by using a Rift,
and ensuring your game is just optimi...
Unfortunately, @DondenBoef, I had so many issues getting the Oculus
integration's setups working, I ended up going with my own, more basic
controller. It doesn't interact with the Nav Mesh at all, it won't do
fade-to-black when intersecting geometry,...
If your user is a VR gamer, it's a pretty safe bet they're "entitled."
Sorry, I can't help you with your issue. I just also couldn't resist
the joke.
Does Oculus staff even read these posts? I've not seen a single issue
brought up here ever get a response.I'll throw mine in here anyway. The
LocomotionTeleport setup doesn't work with the Character Controller
Constraint as it should. When teleportin...
@vr_voxel I wouldn't hold out any hope for Oculus fixing this, either.
The package is a mess, and not ready to be used out of the box. Best
advice I can give is to study the parts that do work, and write your own
components based on them.I've seen Oc...
vr_voxel said: I figured out a temporary workaround. Select the
PlayerController in the Locomotion scene and uncheck the
CharacterController function in the inspector. No more flying off into
the abyss for now. Not yet sure what problems deactivating...