Honored Guest
since ‎03-20-2014

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I got that error on UE4 4.9.2 offical releasewhat mean?all seems work ok.OCULUS: Error: 10/27/15 09:58:56: [IPC] WARNING: Overhead alert threshold exceeded for Compositor_EndFrame : x744: C2S=34.4857 (15.0748-980.505), S2C=10.6133 (3.84889-255.31), R...
hi. Its possible?
Hello.When i install the AMD VR Drivers and 0.7beta runtime all work fine. Today i check after one week without use and not work.First, orange light, some service crashs and i can run demo scene without see anything, mirror ok, tracking ok. DK2 black...
1.- I must activate Aereo again if not UE4 not work.2.- I launch my demo and fps got stuck in 37.203.- I disable Vsync and got 76fps when i got 100-110fps in my demo.... i go back to 0.4.2  Mirror on/off not change the fps. (with 0.4.2 i got 20fps m...
I modified the original demo for made it more lighter.Anyway you need a high-end graphics card.I got with my r9-290, 75fps in the 90% of the map but not always sometimes 60fps.that its better than the original 20-30fpswin64