Hello.When i install the AMD VR Drivers and 0.7beta runtime all work
fine. Today i check after one week without use and not work.First,
orange light, some service crashs and i can run demo scene without see
anything, mirror ok, tracking ok. DK2 black...
1.- I must activate Aereo again if not UE4 not work.2.- I launch my demo
and fps got stuck in 37.203.- I disable Vsync and got 76fps when i got
100-110fps in my demo.... i go back to 0.4.2 Mirror on/off not change
the fps. (with 0.4.2 i got 20fps m...
I modified the original demo for made it more lighter.Anyway you need a
high-end graphics card.I got with my r9-290, 75fps in the 90% of the map
but not always sometimes 60fps.that its better than the original
I fix it.When i reboot no blue led light on windows start, i not
remember if that it normal.Now after fix it i have the blue light. that
was not normal. * I change and try another HDMI cable and works... need
new cable? no* the state change from Ocul...
No new drivers.looking to date of installed programs, i have only a
firefox update, divx 10, and a IPcamera software (for security wireless
camera) i remove it and check before post that without any change.