Anyone else have any dead pixels? I got my unit today and noticed five
dead pixels dead center in my view. At first, I thought it was dust, but
no such luck. It really breaks the immersion, especially considering the
pixel size.
"dawgs4ever" wrote:Posting personal info about other people on these
forums should not be permitted, IMHO.Agreed. You don't know what their
personal situation is. I've been in situations in the past where I have
to part with something I'm very fond o...
"captpicard" wrote:Just tossing it out there, but another one for
removed by cybereality]I'm only pointing thi...
I'd definitely hold off on an Air. For one, Apple is rumored to be
updating the line very soon. Second, I can only get 60hz out of my
Retina Macbook Pro, which is short of the 75hz needed for the low
persistence. Not sure if the Air has the same limi...