Just a basic test -- but very pretty inside the rift ...especially
when lots of laser-fire, explosions and sprites are jostling before your
eyes.Developing simple flight controls, projectiles and basic AI (as
platform to future projects).Welcome to ...
http://youtu.be/CsIyku1KcI0Getting to grips with Unity -- made a little
world for my gf to explore (a secret waterfall for her to find).Trying
out some flying controls, etc.Would be nicer to allow rotation on X-axis
too, climbs and swoops would be co...
if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)) // If finger touching touchpad. { // If a
static or forward swipe on touchpad, then... if(Input.GetAxis ("Mouse
X") <= 0f) { moveForward = true; } else moveBack = true;This is all I
use.The touchpad is mapped onto the mous...
Link to playable demo, if you care to
-w,s,a,d - walking/ flying (altitude maintained)'2' to toggle weapons
mode'Enter' to fire'f' to toggle jet mode'Left shift...
a side note: gene re-sequencing was accomplished with the aid of VR in
the film :geek:Yep. That transparent visor is very, very needed.