Hi,I'm working on getting Mobile Avatars working on GearVR. I've made a
Unity player build of our app, using Unity 5.4.3f1 and the 3/3 drop of
the Mobile Avatar SDK. This integrated without difficulty into the
existing codebase (which already support...
Hello,I am integrating Oculus Avatars for our GearVR game. However I
don't know what the process is for customising Mobile avatars.I have
downloaded & integrated the 3/3/2017 drop of the Avatar SDK. I have
tested this code continues to run without pr...
I am using Unity 5.4.3f1 and a PC with a GTX 960 (not the fastest GPU,
but I don't think this should be a huge factor in this case).If I turn
on the stats in the Game window of Unity, I see that Avatars take about
1ms each. So 3 on-screen avatars are...
If I look in Windows 10 Task Manager, from a fresh windows boot, I can
see that OculusVR.exe is taking 470 MB.Can anyone explain why it's using
such a ***huge*** amount of memory??PC has 16Gb of RAM, Intel i7,
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.Thanks!
Hello,If the Touch Controller battery (/batteries) run low, a pop-up
message is shown in Windows.My question to Oculus is this : Do we need
to show any in game messaging / UI (in the Rift)? Is there any
documentation regarding this or examples and so...
Hi @imperativity.That's interesting. I was about to start investigating
Vulkan (with Unity 5.6.0f3 and an Android 7 device), but does this mean
that for Oculus & GearVR apps, Vulkan is a no go? Might save me some
investigation work if it's definitely...
It would be useful for Oculus to provide some more guidance around this.
So that all apps behave in a consistent way, rather than different
developers implementing entitlement-check failure handling in wildly
different ways!
FTA : "The following example quits the application if the user is not
entitled to your app. You may wish to handle the situation more
gracefully."What we did was put a message up on screen saying "You are
not entitled to play This Game", and disable ...
Going forwards - If Oculus could document/state which versions of Unity
they've tested the SDK with (and both Android/GearVR avatars & PC/Rift
avatars), that would be very useful information. Things often seem to
work with one version of Unity, whils...