I could use some assist on picking out a proper Nvidia GTX 980ti card.As
theres quite a few different alterations.I mean we have the EVGA, the
Gigabyte,the MSI, the ASUS, etc.I could use some suggestions as to which
would be the best choice for VR.(I...
Good day VR peoples!I am having some potential issues.See I only have
two technical HDMI ports. (One on video card, and the other with a DVI)
I'm going to be needing three at least. (One for Vive one for Rift, one
for Monitor)Any suggestions or ideas...
This is a question i've been wanting to ask though never truly got
around to it.Though, out of curiosity...What is the actual difference
between a DK1 1.0 Rift, versus a DK1 1.1 Rift?
In regards to published Unity Projects & other Rift demos.Is there like
a timestamp or some log file that keep track of which version of the SDK
it was published with?
In regards to Unity projects.I have yet to compile any of my own, as I
have much to learn of the software still.But I am interested on hearing
how long the usual, say 30 MB or so project would take to compile.Is
this like a several hour affair or?
Are you in immersive mode or the standard?As I was having issues with
immersive mode with the CV1 myself, I can't help but wonder if it's
linked to the SDK update..Or maybe my sensor isn't taking well to the
USB port.