Anyone responsible for QA please:Fire up Elite.Go to any ringed planet
and drop out inside the rings on night side of planet.Shake your head
horizontally "no"These ridiculous smearing artifacts INTRODUCED with 1.3
are ruining the game.
Constant black smearing whenever I look around the cockpit of my Python
is ruining it for me.Please give us an option to go back to original
behavior even if it requires some esoteric registry setting.
I don't mind barely noticeable red background in dark scenes but this
purple-ish smearing around dark areas introduced with 1.8 is far worse
than the problem it solved. Is there any way to turn it off?
Previously had problems with Rift audio failing to load because of
signature issues. Yesterday a workstation refused to load Rift and a
third party controller driver not properly signed by Microsoft after
successful failover from a disk timeout resum...
Just noticed a new titanic "demo 2" on titanichg website.Kind of works
with cv1..THG_DEMO_2.exe -vrInitial menu is messed up for VR.. after it
starts up in HMD..look at monitor, click on screen and mouse over to the
start button.Camera's bugged too w...
inovator said: All the talking heads say vr won't be popular until the
killer app comes out. WRONG!!!!! Virtual reality IS the killer app.When
people buy things they for the most part want something in return for
their investment. Few are interested ...
Dentifrice said: yes.....I'm starting to think that VR is not for me.I
have headaches and motion sickness. I have it since Wednesday and I
don't feel very good since (I played on Wednesday and yesterday).I plan
to not play today. I saw on other forum...
tgfawad said: its really frustrating, eveyone is interested in our
personal account information. I bought expensive Oculus device, why
should I provide my email account to oculus? I am going to hand over my
new laptop along with oculus with my applic...
emmavpet said: Hi people,I need support for Oculus over Linux !!! I
believe that Oculus must have support not only for Windows system. We
are a group of investigation making a project over Linux using ROS
libraries.The VR is not only for games, is th...
It was awesome before they solved slight red tint non-issue by
introducing this problem. I'm just asking to have the option of
restoring previous behavior.It's impossible for me to go back to
previous working runtime and I have no idea how to change ...