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I need some help from people who have some good understanding of 3D printers. I want to put some of my prototype boards in case and 3D-printing it will be the easiest option. I have an access to a university's 3D printer, but you have to sign up for ...
Has anyone successfully used GPIO, SWD, UART on motherboard? I have used and programmed some of the STM Discovery kits for college projects and I would to know if using these headers on the Rift's motherboard is as not complicated as on Discovery kit...
Need an advice from UE4 developers. I finally got familliar with UE4 development and ready to start producing original content. I just ordered my DK2, so it will be quite a while before I get it. The question is - will it be difficult to integrate Oc...
iFixit just recently tore down DK2, and finally we have a high-res picture of the main board. And guess what? It seems there is no digital compass on the board and Oculus thinks that with positional tracking there can be no gyro drift. I think that i...
When Oculus gets a consumer release, will Oculus itself be a development kit, or devs will have to buy some other kit to continue producing content?