"Gigantoad" wrote:"khazar" wrote:"Gigantoad" wrote:So they'll think
"what an ugly screen door effect" and not "wow it feels like I'm really
inside the world"? Most people felt the latter when they first tried the
crappy DK1. Your other assumption mak...
"khazar" wrote:"Gigantoad" wrote:So they'll think "what an ugly screen
door effect" and not "wow it feels like I'm really inside the world"?
Most people felt the latter when they first tried the crappy DK1. Your
other assumption makes no sense either...
"ThreeEyes" wrote:Wasn't sure about making this as a new thread or not,
but Carmack replied to a couple of guys about the next version and said
it would be 90 fps (confirming Luckey's bit) but the interesting part
was "next
"obzen" wrote:"drash" wrote:This is really great news -- but
StellaArtois and team did, and have been doing, such a great job with
their VR mod, that I am hoping the Minecraft team reaches out to them
for help / credit / etc. Mojang isn't legally bou...