My official oculus link cable is only about 4 months old but apparently
it already has gone bad. When I use it to connect my Quest 2 to my
gaming PC, I get a Windows 10 USB error specifically Unknown USB Device
(Port Reset Failed). The drivers of the...
A regular USB3.0 port supplies about 0.9 Amps of power which is
approximately what you are currently getting. That is definitely not
enough power to charge the Quest 2 headset to prevent it from draining
quickly during use. Some USB 3.0 ports are als...
I actually experience that when I switch between Air Link and wired
Oculus Link. What I do is use the Oculus Debug Tool to stop and start
the Oculus services. Also, it is important to restore your Debug Tool
settings to default since your custom Ocul...
Try a different USB cable. My original Oculus Link cable went bad after
4 months and I started getting device errors and USB bandwidth issues. I
bought a thicker generic USB cable and those problems disappeared. Looks
like that original thin USB Ocul...