I have followed the guide to the letter regarding getting a GPU systrace
from my running oculus quest app.The system trace is successful, but i
don't get the GPU timeline, even though the GPU RenderStage checkbox is
ticked. Can I get some help here? ...
Sign into the Oculus App on your phone, and make sure to link your quest
2 with your account.You should recieve an email with details on getting
your copy.
Sign into the Oculus App on your phone, and make sure to link your quest
2 with your account.You should recieve an email with details on getting
your copy.
Short answer: No. Long answer: Please refer to the Oculus Content
Guidelines, which specifically state that the following is not allowed
on the service: Real money gambling or promoting or giving users the
ability to redeem or cash out in-game curren...
yes, but:1: you'd have to make them yourself 2: they'd be bespoke USB
devices and you'd have to code support for them in your title
yourselfSoooo if you're up for that, have fun!