So after the launch of the Crimson ReLive driver some guys on reddit
posted, that ASW is working now, at least on Fiji based cards (Fury
Series + Nano). I just tried P:cars a minute ago and I noticed, that the
game is stuck @45 FPS. I anyway got naus...
Hey guys,I noticed that my PC keeps getting wakedup since I own the
Rift. I checked in cmd with the command "powercfg lastwake" to find out
what's the source for the wakeup and it showed me the OculusVR.exe. How
can I prevent the application to wakeu...
With the release of the Oculus 1.10 runtime, I'm wondering how to
trigger the update of the Oculus app. Mine still says "Oculus App
Version 1.9.0...."Am I missing something, or is there no way to force
the application to look for software updates?
Just checkes ReLive 16.12.2 - still broken21/12 19:24:32.353 {WARNING}
[ASW:FrameEstimator] Extratrapolation thread failed, stopping ASW
operation. Error: Unable run ASW for left eye
No, not that I know of. I leave my desk with the PC being in standby,
observe it a few seconds longer if it boots up again and leave. A few
minutes later I come back and it's on again.