Honored Guest
since ‎04-10-2014

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DK2 took the resolution from 720p up to 1080p, reduced blur, smear and judder, and added positional/head tracking. But the resolution, although better, isn't good enough. I struggle in Elite: Dangerous targeting enemies because I can't clearly pick t...
My current set up is as follows:Using my television screen (52" HDTV) as my computer monitor. Have the tracking camera on top of the screen (It is about 1' above my head in sitting position) I've measured the distance from the camera to my head, and ...
I'm really enjoying my use of the DK2. However, one thing I'm encountering frequently is loss of head tracking, leading to some uncomfortable experiences. I'm really being spoiled by the 6 DOF head tracking within the current limited boundaries. I'm ...
Is anyone else having this issue? When I sit perfectly still in the demo scene, the scene still moves a little bit. It seems to pulse back and forth just a little bit. Happens in both direct HMD access mode and extended desktop mode.
Just a suggestion: the transition when reacquiring positional tracking should be made smooth. Right now, the world quickly moves to reposition itself when tracking is reacquired. It is very jarring. This happens in the Oculus demo scene and pretty mu...