The one that is on your dashboard that you can see with your headset
one.. right in the fron in the middle.I want to remove this notification
permanently. how do I do this?Thanks.
I think the gun-type controllers are dope and the floor sensors are a
bit annoying but anyways still cool. i was wondering if the games will
always work for this model that may come out?
Yeh its got a like a load thing going on.. I was scrolling down fast and
thought that was it but it loads up.Man, I wish they would get a decent
game browser going like steam
Zenbane said: There are more PC game releases than Console game releases
each year.There are more mobile games released than Console and PC games
combined. And VR is on Mobile. Yeh that is true but a lot are pretty
shit games whereas console games se...
Hiro_Protag0nist said: Log_a_Frog - you're alive! Yeh.. That is how
long since I have played VR. Ive decided that my room is too small... I
will probably get into it again but at the moment I am struggling to get
enough work. I am very underemploye...