Hi everyone!We are proud to announce the release of our Oculus Rift only
horror adventure 'Black Island'!The game has been in development since
beginning of 2013 and we have been posting the alpha demo and other
content on the Forums from time to tim...
Hi guys,I'm here to tell you about "Black Island"! Perhaps you have
heard about it somewhere on the interwebs. Perhaps you played the short
demo, we released a while ago. Perhaps you have no idea what I'm talking
about.We're a small indie team with...
Hi guys,We’ve been working on a game for the Oculus Rift for about half
a year now, and decided that it’s time to give other people a look at
it. The name of the game is “Black Island” and it’s basically a horror
game, set on a tropical island. You h...
"ganjaroach" wrote:Anyway great exploration game hopefully you plan on
updating it!Wow, already a video review! Thank you so much, ganjaroach!
A lot of great feedback. We're collecting all of it right now and
bringing out a new version of the game in...
"Raven" wrote:Am I missing something or are there no videos, gallery of
screenshots or something that tells a little bit more about the game?
We're working on a video. Unfortunately our main jobs take up most of
our time right now, so it could take w...
"mwoody" wrote:Just so you know, though, every person I've spoken to or
read about who put their campaign on Indiegogo wishes they'd put it on
Kickstarter. Between the better tools, better support, and higher
traffic, the only reason it ever made sen...
Very happy to see so much positive feedback! Catatonic did an awesome
job putting together this smooth experience. Please try it with your
own music! A little tipp: When I play it with Jpop, there's so much
pitch going on, the cubes are very big an...
"Dasher" wrote:This was a great demo! I made a video of
it:http://youtu.be/yUlqI2XxIxYI'm quite amazed by the video you made.
Seeing someone actually playing the game (without any of our guidance)
is an experience on a totally different level than "j...