Hey guys, just wanted to share a little update with everyone on some
research I've been doing. I created a SceneViewExtension based tone
mapper / post process pipeline without using the mobile HDR flag. This
was a lot simpler than I thought it would ...
I ported my project from the 5.4 to the 5.5 branch. I'm uncertain if
this is an epic issue or a meta issue.The problem is essentially the
title, there's nothing special. I can see animations in their preview
windows, but under no circumstances will a...
can get "distance to nearest surface" material node to work in vulkan
preview in editor ( global illumination set to medium, effects set to
epic, material qual...
Digging around a bit and I'm wondering if there is anywhere I can get
the read out of ASW (ex: 36/72, 60/120 ) while in the game. I know about
logcat and OVR metrics tool, but I'd like to have my developer menu show
me the readout in the application....
Thought I'd mention something I discovered recently. I was messing
around in unreal engine with the output buffers/images that are sent to
the headset, and I discovered that I could tweak the image in such a way
that it restored the Binocular Overlap...
Are you using an asset pack?Are you SingleLayerWater material domain?Are
you using mobile HDR or LDR? what platform are you targeting?what kind
of reflection settings do you have across the project and material? Here
is an example of my ocean in both...
If you're talking about via the screen share setting, probably not.
That's not sharing an in game camera but instead is showing a feed of
the compositor.