since ‎04-14-2019

User Statistics

  • 106 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 19 Kudos given
  • 88 Kudos received

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Dear Meta Avatar team.I(we) tried the Meta Avatar Multiple Player Building Blocks and it does not work with ANY Meta Avatar package above 24.1.1 for both the Unity Multiplayer and the Photon Fusion versions. If you follow this tutorial from Valem, no...
Has anyone here gotten the Meta Avatars 2.0 multiplayer Building Block to work in Unity 6? I have tried both the Unity multiplayer and Fusion version in fresh projects and neither spawns the local and remote avatars like it does in Unity 2022 as seen...
I am getting this warning when I upload my title to the Meta Quest store using ovr-platform-util. "This app contains both 32-bit (armeabi-v7a) and 64-bit (arm64-v8a) libraries. This consumes extra storage and increases download times. Consider updati...
Are others seeing the default Meta Avatar 2.0 looking like this screenshot while waiting for your avatar to download? It used to be a default looking, flat gray 1.0 Meta Avatar until the users Avatar downloaded which tool 10 seconds at most, but now ...
Do the new Meta Avatars 2.0 not have IK legs? When I look down at my legs, they do not move when I physical move or use smooth locomotion. Using OpenXR as Oculus XR has a headlocked bug and the patch did not fix. I am on these versions: Unity 6000.0....