I downloaded the latest 4.25 version of the Oculus UE4 editor and built
it (no issues). Here's where I got it:
in that are some examples. One of them is called ...
For GearVR dvelopment, you tap the screen with 4 fingers to bring up the
console... but that requires I remove the phone from the HMD. How do I
bring up the console for development on the oculus GO?
So we love the GO and would be recommending it to most of our enterprise
clients with needs in the mobile category, except for one kind of major
problem. There is no second screen or screen casting support. Both
Daydream and GearVR have this working,...
I'm not the only one making one of these, but here's a demo I've been
working on for medical applications. This is done in UE4, and targeted
at the moment to a high-end card (GTX980). I'm working now at making a
settings menu with some reduced qualit...
Shaomai said: @aweidenhammer, have you tried HandTrackingSample.umap or
HandTrackingCustomSample.umap in the HandSample project?I was using the
default map that the project was specifically set up to build
(HandSample.umap). I don't want to play gues...
Well, well. That works great!Just remember to set up your VR Pawn with a
SetTrackingOrigin = Floor LevelOtherwise your hands won't appear in the
right place. Thanks again madturtle!
Thanks to both of you for confirming the issue! (yes I was using
android-21 for ndk).Madturtle, thanks for going the extra step. I'll
give this a go and report back. I just kind of assumed if the example
project wouldn't work, then there was no point...
We have had several clients ask about this. Two huge ones want to
purchase a few hundred GOs and ship them to storefronts, but we need a
kiosk/demo mode in order to make this happen. Is there anyone at Oculus
that might set up a chat with us to hamme...