"2EyeGuy" wrote:Sorry, I'm currently busy with the Dolphin DK2 support
you asked for. I'll get around to it eventually.Please, make Rogue
Leader playable with DK2! :mrgreen:
"waryishe" wrote:As far as I know, there is no way to reset the view
after you start the game. Ideally you should have the hmd already on
your head when your about to start. Or at least facing forwards laying
down somewhere. But not upside down.Edit:...
"shanecolbert" wrote:I overwrote the .dll in a copy of VIREio Perception
(Released May 4th 2013), all I get when starting Skyrim is a crash
occuring. Same with anything else. Any specific release that I need?Try
to go in your Skyrim Folder and make a...