Has anyone cracked how to watch full-dome 3d (or regular) movies on the
rift? I can find some links to videos on the web but how do you get it
to a supported app such as Whirligig? Thanks!
Hello All,Tried the DK2 for the first time today. I have two GPUs and I
tried with and w/out SLI. In "Direct to Rift" mode..it seems extremely
slow and GPU taxing... videos on Infinity VR Drive In don't play..I can
hear the sound but only see a chang...
"willste" wrote: Honestly if you are still strongly bothered by the SDE
you are insane. It is not very pronounced at all. Your mind will zone it
out completely if you stop looking for it. I would learn to ignore it
before risking damage to a new DK2....
"hargabyte" wrote:"alexdfolk" wrote:After all the posts on reddit about
poor service for Cineveo, I'm happy that VR player is working great for
me. It takes a little longer to manually set up the values for chromatic
aberration, but it's really quite...
"320x200" wrote:"scottpw25" wrote:I have a question though, I have
several side-by-side and one over-under 3d movie files but non seem to
jump off the screen at all...is this most likely a setting or the type
of file? Or are most 3d movie files not g...
I'm just starting out and geting technical details figured out but, for
me, CINEVEO seems to work much better than VRPLAYER. I have to manually
change display modes and drag my window to the extended display (then
maximize screen) just to get VR Play...