Was browsing Oculus Store on my S7 today and noticed this promotion.
Does this apply only to purchases for Gear VR content? If I buy another
Touch compatible title for my Rift, will this promotion apply?
Early Rift and Touch preorders here (first few mins for both). Finally
got my shipment notification, will be arriving on Wednesday.
"Congratulations: your prior Rift preorder qualifies you to have a
preferred place-in-line for your Touch preorder!". ...
I noticed that Touch is available for pre-order at BestBuy. I'd like to
go that route because it would be available for local store pickup on
release day.I already have a Touch preodered from Oculus store directly
(priority order for Rift preorders)....
Started having issues with OculusDebugToolCLI.exe after Oculus home
forced .13 update. Issue solved with the updated OculusDebugToolCLI.exe
from the new Oculus SDK. Thanks for the quick turnaround!
I started playing Elite: Dangerous with the controller and really hated
the docking procedure. I bought X52 PRO for about $150 or so and the
experience is much more enjoyable, so much more control over everything,
especially after customizing the con...
soldier4christ2, Noah027, these are completely different issues from
what I was describing in my post. I suggest you open the ticket with
Oculus support. I previously had issues with my Gear VR six game bundle,
and while it took about a week to resol...
soldier4christ2, Noah027, these are completely different issues from
what I was describing in my post. I suggest you open the ticket with
Oculus support. I had issues with my Gear VR 6 game bundle, and while it
took about a week to resolve, Oculus re...