Hi!Don't know if any Meta site admins are checking the forums out.. But
maybe they should note that there is a Quest 3 in the box instead of a
Quest 2?? ;-)..Oh, if you want to thank me for notifying you --- You can
send me a Quest 3 with one in the ...
Okay, where to start; first of all I was really looking forward to this
game. LE 1 was one of my first experiences and full game I played till
the end of it.. So excited to play the game I bought it at release, took
some rare spare time and play........
Some problem here too. Just did a factory reset but still the same
problem. Something is just off with Quill and OS or something... Just
have to wait for a fix I think.
I too notice there is a seems to be smaller sweetspot ... but I think
that's also because of the sharper image. It makes it more noticable...
I have both and think, while gaming, it does not make a difference at
all. Love the Q1 and Q2 the same.