Hi,This seems an ideal type of game to play in the rift - is there
anything on the PC that gives this experience within the rift that
anyone is aware of ?Thanks.
Hi There,I have a DK1 that I got second hand ( working well ) and a DK2
that is on order.I do need to upgrade to a better graphics card for
this, does anyone have any specific recommendations that I should go for
in terms of Make and Model, I need it...
Hi There,This helps very much - firstly and most importantly, thank you
for what you have done here. I loved Quake and the hope to be able to
play it on my Rift is just simply a dream come true. Loved that game.I
will setup my device as a Primary whe...
Stupid question here, so would like some guidance please.Running
Bilago's VR Game manager, is there anyway I can get this to launch on my
rift onto the secondary screen.I use teh Extend Desktop to the HMD
So just a question to through out here for those who know better than
me! ( probably all of you!!! )Looking at Amazon in the