I am looking for something 'old school' to demo to visitors to my VR
lab. I recall walking a plank between 2 high buildings when I first
tried VR a few years ago. Was it called the pit?? Is there a similar
demo i can download? Thanks.
Hello. I am looking for some examples of how the Oculus Rift can be used
to support engineering design, engineering training and product
development.At present all i can demo to prospective users are games and
animated scenarios/ worlds. I want to de...
Hi. For demo purposes I want audio to come out of my PC speakers. OK..
done that in PC settings.But after a while I get a message in Oculus to
Restart in order to reset audio to HMD speakers. How do I disable that
Restart alert OR how do I bypass the...
Oculus Touch arrived today. I set up OK, and went through the tutorial
OK. Played with an app from Oculus Library.Then I tried to play a game
in Steam VR but my floor was too high - I looked about 1 m tall. I am
actually 1.80m tall. I tried to Reconf...
Hi. The new Oculus Rift has built in headphones for a personal audio
experience. Is there a Setting on the PC that allows the audio to "also"
be played through the external speakers? OR "just" the external
speakers?Any option is OK as I want this fun...
Me too. My university seamster starts in 3 weeks from now and I really
need my Apps/Games back for the course i am teaching!! All I see is
Lucky's Tale. No Google VR or Job Simulator. Is there a HELP page from
Oculus about this?
same as SteveMcK82, but now I get a Hardware Error. I have changed USB
ports but still persists. I have submitted this query in another
separate post but thought you should know.
Thank you. I followed this page too (with current Unity version)...
It works now. Much appreciated. Michael
re. Once unity launches with VR support it will take over the head set.I
tried this but I could not see my Unity Project. Only the Oculus
Library/ Store panels. I can't view the Unity Project. I have a Unity
Project that has been testing and works on...