Honored Guest
since ‎10-01-2014

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I am looking for something 'old school' to demo to visitors to my VR lab. I recall walking a plank between 2 high buildings when I first tried VR a few years ago. Was it called the pit?? Is there a similar demo i can download? Thanks.
Hello. I am looking for some examples of how the Oculus Rift can be used to support engineering design, engineering training and product development.At present all i can demo to prospective users are games and animated scenarios/ worlds. I want to de...
Hi. For demo purposes I want audio to come out of my PC speakers. OK.. done that in PC settings.But after a while I get a message in Oculus to Restart in order to reset audio to HMD speakers. How do I disable that Restart alert OR how do I bypass the...
Oculus Touch arrived today. I set up OK, and went through the tutorial OK. Played with an app from Oculus Library.Then I tried to play a game in Steam VR but my floor was too high - I looked about 1 m tall. I am actually 1.80m tall. I tried to Reconf...
Hi. The new Oculus Rift has built in headphones for a personal audio experience. Is there a Setting on the PC that allows the audio to "also" be played through the external speakers? OR "just" the external speakers?Any option is OK as I want this fun...