I find it odd that so many people have found that downgrading the
firmware to 2.1.1 on the HMD leads to a more stable or working
experience and have alerted support to this fact, even though they
contend that there is no way to downgrade, and yet we ...
So, I had to send back my first Rift S due to colored sparkles that
would gradually increase on the screen. I waited 3 weeks and got a new
Rift S shipped from Oculus. This headset, for the short time periods so
far that it has worked, has never shown...
This situation is beyond ridiculous now. There is obviously something
seriously wrong and they are patching it or covering it up by freezing
the stats, only to break that "fix" with the next update. I never even
thought about my connection with the q...
I have to agree. I think some improvement has been had, but mostly they
have masked the issue for most by locking the top link speed so that
unless you delve deeper you will only see a constant connection and
attribute the performance to network or P...
I mean, do you start with the quest 3 plugged into the PC and the power
adapter plugged into the INIU cable? Or do you bring up the quest 3
completely, then plug in the INIU cable and power, etc. Or do you have
everything plugged in when you start th...
Could you detail the process you use when starting up your PC, quest 3,
and the INIU cable? I have the same as you and usually only get 1/2 hour
for ever 10-12 percent of quest battery.