For an AR project i'm working on I need to create a Callada file that I
can import to scene Kit. The collada file needs to be a 3d character
with lipsync animations. I have the character and Idle animations(and
all the viseam blendsapes for OVR). I c...
There seems to be an issue uninstalling any preview apps It just says
uninstalling forever even when I restart the headset. I was wondering if
anyone else has had this issue. I have tested this with about 5 of my
own preview apps created in unity. No...
Any Idea why I get this message any time I try to launch any oculus go
app. Like whats the point in casting if you can only cast your home and
it cuts you off when you try and launch something.
I have created an app and put a newly created account as one of the
previewers. I have logged in and accepted this prewiew app. And now I
want to go to the phone and boot up the gearVR app and make sure that
the preview app is showing in the correct ...
I am also having this issue. What makes things worse if this was
intentional was I wanted to map a position reset to the menu button
press that way when someone is using hand tracking they can easily reset
their position and not have to pick up a phy...
Any time I try to remove the Oculus (Android) package from package
manager it instantly reinstalles it again. Does anyone know why it does
that. I have VRTK installed.Also any news from the oculus team on when
this issue will be fixed?