I have been having this same issue with my QPro for several months now
as well. I only do PCVR with this headset so mostly see the issue in
Virtual Desktop or Quest AirLink
As a temporary workaround to the flickering issue, i'm not seeing this
issue at all while using Virtual Desktop. May be worth trying if you
already have it setup. Should note if you haven't used Virtual Desktop
before it is an AirLink alternative and...
I did the same thing unfortunately. just got off with support chat and
there isn't an escalation path to rejoin the Quest PTC. The only hope we
have is that shows up for us again in the Oculus Mobile app to join. So
we are basically screwed with this...
Same issue with Quest PTC V43 on Air/Link (Wired as well) with
flickering (reprojections?) with any head movement. Seems like it's
almost a forced ASW mode or something. It happens in the oculus
dashboard right upon connecting via Air/Link. Tried res...