Floor level on Quest config is right Floor level on Oculus Config is
right Floor Level on Stem Config is Right Floor Level on Steam Apps is
Right But If I run my App designed to run on the HTC Vive the Floor is
on eye level also the camera seems to b...
I have this elevator that works if I use the joystick locomotion to go
inside but leaves me on the ground if I do walk inside any Ideas? Seems
for some reason the character collider is no moving with me if I walk
but does if I use the joystick locomo...
Same problem here , in Valem tutorial there is mention of Grabbable slot
to drop on Interactable , but it is no longer there, here is not
grabbing it is just moving the object on the floor.
I have a similar problem if I use the joystick locomotion the player
colides and elevator works .. but If I walk on my own the there is no
collider and the elevator pass through , any idea on how to fix this?
this is on Quest..