I have this weird problem where my active USB3 extension cable reboots
my PC as soon as I've shut it down.The cable is connected to my Inateck
5-Port USB3 card and otherwise working great.I'm using the standard W10
drivers for the USB card (I rather ...
People who've bought a title on Steam don't get to see the same icons in
their Library as those who've bought the same title in the Oculus Store.
The (Beta) Oculus 1.17 app does create icons but these don't look good
at all. Particularly the landscap...
Some apps come up with a menu where it says "exit" or "quit" when you
press a menu button. But wait, we have 3 different controllers so this
is where it starts to get confusing already.Why can't they come up with
a default way to exit a program? Pres...
Zenbane said: ... so after 4 million in kickstarter fundraising efforts,
Version 3 of the Pimax 8K VR HMD still has image warping and god rays.2
billion wasn't enough for Oculus to fix the God rays...
dan108 said: there are new update?No but why is this a sticky? There are
so many game updates all the time. I don't see why this needs to be on
the front page all the time.
I think the implemantation pretty much sucks.I want to move through
streets, not get a single 360 view and then have to back out again to go
to the next one. Why not give us the option to jump to the next view
from within Streetview like it is in Goo...
Nisei, what do you currently have plugged into your Inateck card right
now? Sensors?Thanks for the info Rob.Yes, I have my 2 sensors and X-Box
wireless remote adapter plugged into the Inateck card.The Rift itself is
connected to a USB3 port on my mai...