Hi,Unity 5.4.2f2, fmod, Audio SDK 1.1.2After awhile FMOD events
that are using Oculus Spatialization plugin, stop playing. FMOD profiler
registring correct number of event being played, but the audio levels
are absent (-80).After deleting Oc...
We tried manually deleting FMOD Event Instances, it didn't solve the
issue. Probably because of instances leakage you've mentioned. Though,
I'm not sure how it was done, since it was not me who wrote the code.
Looking forward to a new updates.
owenwp, I read somewhere on developer3.oculus.com that the number is
limited to 64 per channel (or something like that), and it is for mobile
platform. In our game total number of audio events playing at the same
time, using Oculus Spatializer and wi...