@NinjaGaijin Bug?:Shipping builds crash on launch, only on Gear
VR.Repo:1. Make a new project2. In Android settings Package for Oculus
Mobile devices, Add Oculus Go/ Gear VR 3. Package for Android, Shipping
configuration4. Install on mobile device (I...
Charlie_Young said: imperativity said: EDIT2: the help panel is a known
issue and can be resolved by attaching the materials. The
OVRPlayerController object in the scene should have two values in the
Player Controller script calls Rift Material and G...
@beaulima9933 Hey, didn't see the message. I think Epic doesn't take
pull requests for the Oculus plugins, so I've opened a pull request on
the Oculus fork instead:
I thought I posted here but it seems to have disappeared.@beaulima9933
if you're still having this issue, I fixed it in my case by changing a
line in OculusIdentityCallbackProxy.cppLine 26from:DelegateHandle =