'I have a promotion code 'OCULUS30'. I tried this process multiple
times: - Started purchasing 'GORN(19.99€) - Entered and applied
promotion code -> No errors or warnings shown: Displayed price is now
-30% -pressed 'Purchase' -The form of my bank f...
My application needs to detect that the tracking origin is changed,i.e.
when the relative location of the TrackingSpace origin in relation to
the physical play space, is changed.AFAIK, this can happen in the
following cases:A) Reset view from univers...
Is it possible to import the current pointcloud representing the
physical environment, which is continuously captured and updated by the
Quest's inside-out tracking system, into the running Unity app?Note:This
pointcloud (or at least parts of it) is ...
ContextI am developing a VR application for the Quest platform (using
Unity 2020.1.11f1).My application needs to detect whenever the user has
performed a 'recenter pose' operation.A 'recenter pose' operation can be
issued in 2 ways (as far as I know)...