since ‎08-20-2014

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  • 116 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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User Activity

So, I got trolled, hard, by my own expectations. And Oculus, but mostly my extreme (lack of) attention span while reading what would have been a solid 6/10 pure spam. Maybe 8/10.Anyhow, I received an email, an automated advertisement basically, from ...
Hello all, recently I bought a Quest, like basically everybody around the world.I wanted to expand a bit and sideload things, like try the latest pavlov alpha or whatever (alvr basically). There comes the quandary: windows doesn't (really) see the qu...
Again in search for community's confirmation, if not support.At least twice now I've had an apparent (system... but maybe not only) memory leak, while playing elite. It should be noted that playing elite without a hdm, after trying it, is simply not ...
This is kind of a PSA (though not of the medical kind, luckily).It seems my rift is always somewhat on. Right now I have the whole services thing off, so the rift is connected but always in standby.This is hours upon hours after using it, not residua...
In the dk2 days I always kept the camera high, for instance on a camera tripod, mostly for cockpit experiences.With the Rift now, I find that the floor value isn't always right, in some experiences. For instance, destinations and dreamdeck seems to r...
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