Hi!Our team wants to implement IAP in project. We need to validate all
purchases with our sever. We already made this for GooglePlay and
AppStore. But with oculus we have some troubles. (oculus project is
separate unity project)I'm unity developer. A...
Hi!Our team wants to implement IAP in project. We already made this for
Google and App stores. But with oculus we have some troubles. (oculus
project is an another unity project)I'm unity developer. From app I
provide all needed information to our se...
@imperativityIt's an offline problem, because when I disable internet
access right before calling LaunchCheckoutFlow() it still returns the
same error as before.
@imperativityYes, I have Oculus runtime installed. Entitlement check
works, and I can access test-user information.Also
IAP.GetProductsBySKU(SKUS); - works correct and returns expected values