since ‎07-10-2013

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That would be essential to me as I work on predefined base meshes.
So perhaps it does warrant another thread. Some official clarification by Oculus would be appreciated. Just give me the simple math, can't be that hard. Telling me that taxes are included isn't enough, because that doesn't add up.In Switzerland we ha...
Be a pilot of a futuristic high tech sphere that controls as easily as an FPS. Inside the sphere all forces are negated, leaving you with a confortable downward gravitational pull that you're used to from everyday life. Survive drops from even the mo...
It seems to be due to my multi monitor setup and maybe because my monitors have a smaller resolution than the Rift. Somehow I always manage to have the Rift window lose the mouse cursor which naturally results in loss of control. I think it happens w...
Another Ebay guy: what people are paying too.
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