"cybereality" wrote:This issue with sending everyone out replacement
lenses, is that we don't yet know exactly what the problem is. It would
make no sense to send out more lenses if they will be scratched as well.
Before we do anything, we need to un...
"kogashuko" wrote:I wouldnt think 50 foot HDMI would be possible at
1920x1080@75fps.. Even at 25 feet the cable will need to be very thick.
HDMI starts doing really freaky things when extended. The higher the res
and frames make it even worse. Your o...
"cybereality" wrote:There has been discussion on the team about a
minimum spec computer. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to pick a
single card that will work for all applications. Previously I've said a
GTX 770 should be fine, but that may not be ...
Curious what control scheme everyone is using in HL2VR? I don't own the
Hydra, and don't have a STEM system on it's way like some. All I have is
my keyboard/mouse, and my wii/ps3/xbox360/xboxone controllers, and i'm
curious how much it takes from the...
"Shockbolt" wrote:[Calm]I placed my ordered on May 30 and I don't expect
to see a hint of my DK2 until late September or even October,but you
don't see me whining about it in here.Yes we're living in exciting
times, VR finally getting a solid hold in...