Yesterday was the first time i got my Oculus Rift DK1 to work (just the
demo for the 0-4-0 runtime)And ever since then i have been trying to get
Unity Demos and Games to work whit the head setThey start just fine ,
and display the picture , but only ...
i recently bough a Oculus Rift DK1 , it is the only one i can get a hold
ofI have installed every thing that i need for them , just today i got a
GTX 1060 3GB just so i can use itMy computer can see the Oculus Rift DK1
, The OculusConfigUtil works , ...
uKER said: As you can imagine, the API changes going from DK2 to CV1
were MASSIVE.As far as I know, there's no way to run the DK-age stuff on
current hardware.I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.I am not talking
about new software i cant get the o...
DK1user2020 said: Yesterday was the first time i got my Oculus Rift DK1
to work (just the demo for the 0-4-0 runtime)And ever since then i have
been trying to get Unity Demos and Games to work whit the head setThey
start just fine , and display the p...
Here is a list of the games and demos i have , if you know any of the
runtime for them or anything on how to get them to work i will try it
and post a update ASAP :AloneBlocked InBlue MarbleChilling
SpaceCiessCouch KnightsCube AvoidanceDactyl Nightma...
kojack said: Back in the 0.x series of runtimes, things changed quite
quickly, so compatibility broke every release. Every game generally only
worked with a specific runtime. So you need to know which runtime the
game was built for and install that o...
uKER said: As you can imagine, the API changes going from DK2 to CV1
were MASSIVE.As far as I know, there's no way to run the DK-age stuff on
current hardware.I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.I mean look at
this (There are people in YouTube pla...