I am sorry if this question is formulated incorrectly but I am trying to
track down how OVRPhysicRaycast works. Specifically I am trying to force
the spherecast function to be used rather than the raycast. I am trying
to use the built in Unity event ...
There may be bugs in the OVRPlayerController script in the 1.38
Integration or possibly in how it integrates with the required Unity
CharacterController component. There were lots of problems with getting
pushed around and off the map. Both in the lo...
I am sorry to be critical here but I am very disappointed in the
teleportation example provided in the Unity Sample Framework. It is a
very outdated example of teleportation and does not represent current
best practices in games such as Arizona Sunri...
I have a strange problem with the prefabs that come with the
AvatarWithGrab example in the Unity Utilities package. If I run the
sample scene everything works great but if i pull the prefabs used for
grabbing objects into a scene I create the left ha...
I am wondering if Oculus has a recommended way for apps to be
distributed for private corporate use that still allow for the use of
Oculus Platform features. Oculus Keys would seem to be the answer but it
does not appear they can be used with sideloa...
vr_voxel said: Timestep value didn't change anything for me, but thanks
for that knowledge which I shall apply going forward anyway. For me
disabling the CharacterController script fixed the glitches and flying
off into the abyss that I was experienc...
Thank you both for your replies. I did try the two plane thing and fell
through both. I only have the plane collider and the character
controller collider in the scene and they work fine if there is no
OVRPlayerController component so I don't think i...
RivisiaLTD,Did you ever figure out what the problem is with this? Seems
like this has been a problem since 1.37 and the 1.38 update did not fix
it. I seem to think it has something to do with the Character Controller
component and the collider size b...
Admin, Is this true? Seems like a big problem to be buried in the forum
if it is. I have to say it does seem that the SampleFramework examples
are pretty buggy. At least on the quest. Just want to make sure this
isn't some evil spam post to have a bu...