Ok. So I ran into something a little strange. I recently built a new
computer and when I first set it up I used the onboard audio (Creative
XFi-mb3). Got everything loaded up for an Elite Dangerous test to see
how the new rig performs. Smooth as silk...
Since the 1.4 update, whenever I reboot my computer and start Oculus
Home it tells me that my HDMI cable is disconnected. If I unplug it and
plug it back in again, the problem is resolved. Any reason why this
would have just started with 1.4?
em4mars!!!! That was IT!!! Compatibility mode on my executable files for
DCS. Removed the compatibility and bang, party on. Thanks so much for
the help guys. Appreciate it.
Yes, Tickbox in DCS Settings, I tried unticking, restarting, ticking,
connecting, restarting etc.. DK2 is on as it's showing the home room,
never flips over to DCS. DCS only shows up on the Monitor. I am at work
now so when I get home I'll check to s...
I have several DLC packages but only Flaming Cliffs and the Huey
installed right now. No other plugins or mods, just vanilla. Win 10. Let
me know how the reload goes. At least it's good to know it isn't tacview
or simshaker.
I also can't get it working. Other games work on DK2 from Oculus Home.
DCS version The check box is selected for allowing other
games in Home and auto detect Oculus Rift in DCS. Always shows up on my
monitor. Many reboots, validated gam...