Hey, all. Got my Rift today. WooHoo!!! One quick question. How am I
supposed to properly close out of an app? Usually, I'll hit the Home
button on the small remote to go back to Oculus Home. Several times, I
have gotten the "app failed to close prope...
Sorry if this has already been covered. I am really interested in Elite
Dangerous. As I wait until my Rift arrives (cough...August...cough), I
would like to learn the game and get the hang of the HOTAS controls.How
can I buy the game, play on my desk...
I just saw that GrooVR has two new scenarios to download. One is the
same as Code 9 but in an earlier stage in the planet's development.
Similar but with a different color scheme and a few more tweaks.I'm
curious about Dancer and was wondering if any...
I was wondering just how stable the sensor cam needs to be. My PC is in
the playroom over the garage. That's also where we have a ping ping
table. When the kids are jumping around playing, the floor gets a bit
"bouncy". Does anyone know how much trou...
I know I'm in danger of two critical breaches of forum etiquette, but
here it goes:I wanted to ask about the screen-door-effect and
field-of-view(Breach #1 - Askng about topics previously discussed)andI
wanted to compare them with the Gear VR(Breach ...
I have another culprit (and it’s a bad one!). My headphones started
going in and out starting with one ear and then both. I did some
research and learned that the audio cable inside the head strap bends
and flexes when adjusting the strap. Eventually...
FrozenPea said: @Gherron Not yet but Brain mentioned it's the works
Excellent. I'm definitely an amateur artist who can't quite visualize
without the reference material right in front of me.
I can't wait for Christmas so I can get my Touch and start
sculpting!Question: If I am trying to create a model based on a picture,
is there any way to upload that picture and view it while modeling? It
would be nice to have a floating easel or some ...
Something else to try... it took me a while to realize the headset
"tilts" up and down. Get the head strap in the comfortable position. Now
firmly grasp the headset and tilt the angle up or down while making sure
the head straps don't move. When I fi...
I'm not using any other software nor have I done any tweaking. (I'm not
a big IT guy; I just like tech toys, so I tend to keep things
plug-and-play as much as possible.)I'll see what GPU driver version I