Hello everyone!I got my Quest 3 on Saturday and since then, I could
compare it very well to the Quest 2. Unfortunately, the microphone on
the Q3 seems to sound awful compared to the Quest 2. Is there any news
if this will be addressed in a patch? I a...
My Rift S functioned fine until last night where the 1.38 Update was
downloaded.Today, i only get "Can’t Reach Oculus Runtime" message with
the suggestion to restart my PC or try repairing the installation. So i
went and tried the repairing process. ...
As there was no reply whatsoever, I have now returned my Quest 3. It is
a shame, that such hardware concerns remain largely undressed in a
timely manner. I will not buy a Meta quest product in the foreseeable
future. It has become clear, that the ori...
We definitely file a bug report. But "Shake your phone until the Report
a problem screen appears" does neither work nor does it seem like a real
thing that would actually work (iPhone). Could we please get feedback
from a real person/Developer here a...
As some other people here already mentioned, this is not a case of a
dirty microphone or permission issues. This issue was there from the
moment I (and other people) unpacked the headset. I would like to know,
if there are any plans to address this w...