Hey,Have you tried to build the SampleFramework Scene CustomHands? You
can find this Scene within the Oculus folder:The Scene contains a Prefab
CustomHandLeft and CustomHandRight. Those Prefabs contains all needed
Meshes and Materials to render virtu...
Hey,I did not try this one but it looks quite promising regarding the
ReadMe file: github.com --> handzlikchris -->
Unity.QuestRemoteHandTrackingIt might be reusable for a stand-alone
build as well.P.S.: Sorry for not sharing the direct link but it i...
Having the same issue right now, and found your thread in the unity
forum (I would love to share the link here but the forum does not allow
it so you have to google for: "Use per eye camera" mode not working on
Oculus Quest (URP)). Since it was marke...
You have to enable "Use Per Eye Camera" in the OVRCameraRig script.After
you enable this flag, the disabled camera-components of the
LeftEyeAnchor- and RightEyeAnchor-GameObject will be enabled and you can
set the near/far clipping planes as well as ...
muhr2 said: filipefmiranda said: OVRManager.csSeems to be a not "!"
messing , OVRPlugin.initialized is set to true inside
InitOVRManager().so the test should be is OVRPlugin.initialized == false
is so call InitOVRManager(). private void Awake() { //I...