Hello GuysI Need your help I own my DK2 since the beginning of
september and had lots of fun with it. I suffer from almost no motion
sickness at all - but i also have the problem that i dont feel any
"presence" or much "immersion" with the Headset....
Hey everyoneI need your help with the extended mode of the Rift.I got my
Rift 1 Week ago and was able to test it a bit the last 3 days (every
evening around 2-3 hours). Im no developer, but a "enthusiast" and after
reading TONS of threads on the Rift...
Hey man I have some tipps for you. I had the exact same problem(s) with
the extended mode. I was able to get some tips from a few nice guys
here, so i'll gladly share these tipps with you as they helped me a
lot1. Make the Rift your LEFT Monitor (to ...
"Scofthe7seas" wrote:Then there's the worst culprit of them all,
minecrift. Although, again, I don't have an FPS counter, I have gotten
well over 200 fps on regular minecraft.Unstable FPS can also be the
problem. I had that problem with Outerra - i h...
Sadly i can not download the demo - too many people have viewed it the
past 24 hours (apparently). I should try it again in 24 hours.. Already
tried yesterday, but no luck
"crespo80" wrote:I collected all my early experiences with the DK2 into
a single html page on my Google Drive, in order to have a one-place for
starters :mrgreen: If you find it useful, reply to the thread to keep it
up for