It is essential to add more room-scale tracking control so that the
headset can better track the user and avoid them being injured in the
room. For example, a warning should appear when you reach the limit of
the user-set Guardian boundaries. It shou...
At this point, you should change the material so that it is more
comfortable and to further provide airflow, in order to avoid marks on
the face after only 30 minutes of use.
Safe relocation of the battery far from the head. The battery should be
far from the head to avoid harmful emissions to the brain. It should be
attached to the arm, shoulder or back and connected by cable to the
headset. In addition to benefiting hea...
Hi Oculus team, I want to give you some suggestions to improve the new
versions of the Oculus Quest which I believe is a very good VR product
with immense potential. After testing it, I found some details that in
my opinion, should be improved: 1. Sa...