I'm transitioning my project over to the new All-In-One SDK, and can't
figure out how to add a pointer to the controller in order to click on
canvas buttons. I can't find any UI Helpers of Laser Pointer prefabs.
There's lots of documentation on hand ...
I have tried dozens of different photos, some just to see if it will
accept anything, but the App Submission page for Assets gives me an
error of "Unsupported Image Dimensions" for every image I have tried to
upload, for Cover Photo, Logo, Hero photo...
I have a project I'm working on that I started out for Hand tracking,
but needing to use the controllers I decided to switch back to
controller inputs. I can Play it in the editor using controllers, but
when I build to the Quest, the app requires Han...
At the MIT Hack somebody showed me the "Building Blocks" menu that makes
drag and drop of these various components into your project super easy,
although I'm still getting an issue with the laser pointer stuff. Just
reverted to the deprecated Oculus ...
After a bit of digging looks like they've got another Unity Asset to
download with a bunch of Samples. I just copied the OVRCameraRig from
the RayExamples scene and the pointers show up!
I was hitting this same issue, and it turned out moving backwards to
Android 6.0 "Marshmallow" (API level 23) in the Player settings adds v1
signing, which according to Oculus isn't required for Quest 2, although
they don't seem to accept anything wi...
I was hitting this same issue for a while in Unity 2020.1.4f1, and tried
everything. Between updating to 2020.3.1f1, and switching it back to be
Android 6.0 "Marshmallow" (API level 23), that solved it for me. Now
when I run the "apksigner" it also s...