I tried to get a cube map texture loaded into the stereo layer component
(or MetaXRpassthrough component) set to cube map shape, but it is simply
not working.Equirectangular works, cylinder and quad of course also
work, but not the cube map layer sha...
Please work with Unreal and implement more Oculus SDK features as
Blueprints for Unreal.Things like VoIP, Oculus Avatar integration,
inviting friends to sessions/joining friend sessions, and other SDK/OSS
features.This would really kickstart a lot of...
I was wondering if Oculus is currently working on better blueprint
support for Oculus platform SDK features or what their plans are for the
future.Especially implementing Oculus Avatars via Blueprints only, VoIP,
and Friends Invites would be really g...
Does anybody know which Oculus integration version will be shipped with
the epic launcher version of Unreal 4.22? I am desperately waiting for
1.32 or higher as it includes the fix to the Oculus Sub System
Matchmaking bug.
The guide to the Unreal Layer Sample states thie following:
Actor_Blueprint illustrates rendering a UMG widget into a stereo layer.
The widget is first rendered into a Material, then the SlateUI texture
is pulled from the Material into the stereo lay...
Hi @TheeScientist , thank you, but I do not see any upload button on the
gallery section of the mobile app, as mentioned above. App Version is
265 and Quest 3 software is v65. Seems like this is bugged.
So how does the spatial and panorama upload work? I have an iPhone 13
with iOS 17 and I still don't see an upload button in the gallery of the
meta quest app.
It is indeed really frustrating that UE integrations keep lacking behind
the Unity integrations and support. Not to mention general
documentation, sample projects etc. I still remember a while ago, when
there was a bug with the OSS matchmaking bluepr...
It does seem like Unity is prioritized over UE4! And I don't understand
why they have some things like verification, retrieving oculus ID/name
and partially matchmaking in BPs but not the other stuff. Would be
really great to have an official stateme...