After I upload the zip file to the alpha channel I keep getting this
error message "The provided launch file (######) was not found in the
package"I double check and the launch file names matches identically, so
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at t...
I"m basically using the LocomotionController from the sample scene in my
project with a few minor adjustments and it works great. Until I create
a build and the controller does nothing. I'll go back into Unity in play
mode and the controller will sto...
I'm able to install the VST into Resaon but it only let's me run one
instance of the effect and will crash the previous instance when I add
another. The previous tracks will show up on the VST window as little
balls but the audio converts back to ste...
I've been getting these avatar errors in Unity for a little while now
and I still can't figure it out.Shader error in
'OvrAvatar/AvatarSurfaceShaderSelfOccluding': failed to open source
I keep getting the same error message and I'm unable to figure out why.
I'm usine Unity 2017.3.of3 and SDK 1.22.EntryPointNotFoundException:
OSP_Unity_AssignRayCastCallbackOculusSpatializerUnity.OnDestroy () (at
Assets/OVR Main/OSPNative/scripts/Ocul...
EddieChristian said: Malicore said: Hi Eddie,I'm currently using this
asset, and I just updated the avatar SDK to 1.26. When I included the
new local avatar the button rig stopped working. I've double checked the
rigidbodes, the box colliders, and no...
Hi Eddie,I'm currently using this asset, and I just updated the avatar
SDK to 1.26. When I included the new local avatar the button rig stopped
working. I've double checked the rigidbodes, the box colliders, and no
values have changed. The hand & ray...
imperativity said: Hi,Is this a native or a game engine (Unity/Unreal)
based build?Thanks for asking. This is a Unity build. I finally figured
out what I was doing wrong. I now have my first build on the Alpha
channel and applied for Oculus Start. Fi...
Still no luck on uploading my build. On the upload page where it
requests the launch file name I write exactly what the launch file is
called in the zip file. How is it not matching?