finish to setup, ask for update . i update, update all, firmware and
after he not able to fi nd the headset need repear , i repear all , at
the end ,he ask again for an anotehr update and firmware and again and
again, and again garbage, garbage oculu...
i need each time to uninstall or repear program, is a pain need to
repear each time, tak e lot of time for nothing , 8 go to install each
time is long, i'm tiredtheir software are not able to keep the setting
headset in memory , usb and display port ...
all worked fine yesterday and after the update tootoday nothing, the
headset stopped to be recognized shame oculus, shame now i repack this
for RETURN !!!
this is stupid they not have add a button to off our controller this is
a pain to remove the batterie each time i not understand how a big
company like this have create a headset with lack of feature no
headphone = stupid ( a headphone with choice po...
nothing have fix the issue with tracking tracking is a thing impossible
to thing because is camera problem so they needed to made a better
headset with more camera for trackingnow , software or other thing will
never fix this issue i return mine , bi...